Dec. 4 - Dec. 9, 2023
MONDAY December 4th, 2023
Warm up!
2:00 run/bike/row
2 Rounds for quality
8 Mountain climbers
8 Banded press
8 Alternating lunges
8 Banded pull aparts
1:00 each side banded overhead lat stretch
STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 5 rep. Push Press
5 rounds for time:
500-meter row
10 single dumbbell alternating shoulder presses
30 lunge steps
♀ 25-lb DBs ♂ 35-lb DBs
TUESDAY December 5th, 2023
Warm up!
2:00 run/bike/row
2 Rounds for quality
8 cat-cow stretch
8 air squats/8 goblet squats 2nd round
8 PVC passthroughs
8 glute bridges
:30 each side PVC front rack stretch
Then: 1:00 bottom of squat hold
STRENGTH: 15 minutes to establish a 2 rep. Front Squat. (Nov. 14)
For time:
30 - 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 reps for time of:
Med.Ball supine Russian Twists
Single under crossovers or 2x single unders
WEDNESDAY “Monster Mash-Up” December 6th, 2023
Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
1 Round
5/5 World’s greatest stretch
10 single arm DB high pulls
10 bootstrappers
10 single arm DB presses
10 sit ups
AMRAP 9 minutes:
10 alternating MedBall Cleans
10 Box Jumps, 24"/20"
rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 9 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings, 53/35
15 Calories, Air Bike
rest 4 minutes
AMRAP 9 minutes:
30 Wallballs
30 Sit-ups or GHDs
TEAM THURSDAY December 7th, 2023
Warm up!
2:00 run/bike/row
2 Rounds for quality
Walk on toes 50’ (down and back)
Walk on heels 50’ (down and back)
4 inch worms with seal and down dog
8 PVC pass throughs
8 bootstappers
8 bench dips
Then: 1:00 each side calf stretch
SKILL : 10:00-15:00 Double Under Skill work!
*Review of proper arm, hand position for double unders, higher, slower jump, use the wrist flick to spin the rope
1-3 sets of 10-15 high, slow single unders
1-3 sets of 10-15 penguin jumps to get the timing of the jump
Work through or stay at level until you master it:
1) 2-3 single jumps into 1 double under. Stop and reset each attempt
Stay at this level until you can do at least 10 successful sets
2) 2-3 single jumps into 2-3-4-5 double unders. Stop and reset each attempt. Once you can complete 10 sets of 2, then move to 3, then 4.
Stay at this level until you can do at least 10 successful sets of 2-3 singles into 5 doubles.
3) 1 single jump into increasing sets of 5 double unders - 5-10-15-etc.
Stay at this level until you can pass through the increasing sets of 5 up to 30 double unders without any trips
4) No single jump! straight into double unders increasing sets of 5 double unders
5) Mastery is increasing sets until you reach 50 double unders without any trips!
20:00 E2MOM
Teams of 2-3 people
Station 1) Calories ski erg
Station 2) Ring dips/Bench dips
Station 3) Sled push - switch partners every 50’ (down and back)
Station 4) Rope climbs/Pull to standing
*Record total reps for each movement
*Rotate Stations every 2:00 minutes/1:30 work/:30 transition time.
*Max effort on each movement, keep track of reps/calories
*One partner works at a time, You-go-I-go
FRIDAY December 8th, 2023
Warm up!
2:00 run/bike/row
2 Rounds for quality
5/5 World’s greatest stretch
8 banded good mornings
8 banded rows
8 push ups
8 arch/hollow swings
1:00 each side scorpion stretch
STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 3 rep. Bench Press (Nov.27)
4 rounds for time:
20 Box Reverse Hyper
15 toes-to-bars
SATURDAY December 9th, 2023
OPEN GYM 0800 - 1000