April 15th - 20th, 2024
MONDAY APRIL 15th, 2024
Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
2 Rounds for quality
8 bootstrappers
8 banded presses
8 banded good mornings
8 scap only pull ups
STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 3 rep. single dumbbell Strict Press each arm (# is what both arms can do) (April 1)
.Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 strict pull ups
2 burpees
5 hang power cleans
4 strict pull ups
4 burpees
5 hang power cleans
6 strict pull ups
6 burpees
5 hang power cleans, etc.
*Continue adding 2 reps to the strict pull ups and burpees until time expires.
(Rx. = ♀125 lb ♂185 lb)
TUESDAY APRIL 16th, 2024
Warm up!
2:00 run!!
2 Rounds for quality
5/5 World’s greatest stretches
8 kettlebell swings
8 glute bridges
8 goblet squats
Then: 1:00 standing calf stretch each leg
STRENGTH : 20 minutes to establish a 4 Rep. Back Squat (April 2)
4 Rounds for Time:
400m run
15 Sandbag/DBall clean (over the shoulder)
25 sit ups
WEDNESDAY “Monster Mash-Up” APRIL 17th, 2024
Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
1 Round
:30 single under jumps into :30 double unders
10 Air squats
10 DB Deadlift - warm up weight
10 PVC passthrougsh
5/5 single arm DB Front squats
10 PVC snatch grip Romanian DLs
10 Hips down push ups
Warm up Power Snatch
AMRAP 6 minutes of:
For time (rest remainder of 6:00):
30 DB Deadlifts (50/35, 35/20)
20 single DB Front Squat (switch each 5 reps)
10 alternating DB Snatch
21-15-9 reps of (or AMRAP 6 min.):
Handstand Push-ups, strict
Ring Dips
AMRAP 6 minutes of:
50 Double-unders/single unders
10 Power snatches (135/95)
Warm up!
2:00 bike/ski/row
2 rounds
4 Inch worms with seal and down dog
8 PVC pass throughs
8 Air squats
8 Hollow rocks
SKILL : 15 min. Toes to Bar Strength/Kipping Progression
3 Rounds for Quality
6-8 PVC Banded lat pull downs hold :03 at bottom
3-5 Strict Toes to Bar or Pike ups - lower slowly
6-8 Arch/hollow swings - keep a tight body position work on timing
6-8 Kipping knee raises or toes to bar - goal is to link them together work on timing
AMRAP 15:00
Partner 1: Row 500m
Partner 2: Works through AMRAP
10 Box jump overs
10 DB Push press (50/35)
10 Toes to bar/Knee raises - work on linking them!
FRIDAY APRIL 19th, 2024
Warm up!
2:00 Row/Ski/Bike
2 Rounds
4 Inch worms with seal and down dog
8 bootstrappers
8 hips down push ups
8 Samson stretches
8 Medicine ball chest slams
STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 1 rep. Bench Press. (April 5)
For 8 rounds, complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute of:
2 wall walks (partial wall walk or 3 reverse “caterpillar”)
4 deadlifts
Max wall-ball shots
*Rest 1 minute between rounds.
OPEN GYM 0800 - 1000