Feb. 6th - Feb. 11th, 2023
Monday February 6, 2023
**New Warm up!
2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
8 air squats hold :01-:02 in bottom
8 PVC good mornings
:30 kneeling wrist stretch (fingers forward gentle stretch over hands)
:30 banded shoulder/lat stretch (#2 on the mobility chart)
With empty barbell: 2x 5 Romanian Deadlifts, 5 Front squats, 5 strict press
STRENGTH : Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk 6 sets climbing for quality Compare to January 20th
21-15-9-6 reps for time of:
Bike calories
Abmat Sit ups
Tuesday February 7, 2023
**New Warm up!
2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
8 light banded press
8 light band pull aparts
8 goblet squats with light KB
8 arch/hollow (beat) swings
STRENGTH : Strict DB Press: Work up to a 5 Rep max on each side - make note of weight for each side, it is very common for one side to be stronger.
For time:
10 heavy bag cleans over shoulder
10 pull - ups
10 heavy bag cleans over shoulder
8 pull - ups
10 heavy bag cleans over shoulder
6 pull - ups
10 heavy bag cleans over shoulder
4 pull - ups
10 heavy bag cleans over shoulder
2 pull - ups
Wednesday “Mash-Up” February 8 , 2023
**New Warm up!
2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2:00 foam roll hamstrings/low back
1 Round
10 warm up weight dumbbell deadlifts
10 air squats
10 warm up weight Kettlebell swings
10 mountain climbers
10 warm up weight dumbbell front squats
10 hips down push ups
For total reps.
AMRAP 10 minutes:
20 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 50's/35's
10 Dumbbell Front Squats, 50's/35's
AMRAP 10 minutes:
20 Russian KB Swings, 70/53
10 Squat-Thrust jump to 6” target above your reach (pull-up bar / ring / wall ball target…)
AMRAP 10 minutes:
75’ DB Farmer's Carry, 50's/35's
10 Push Ups on DB’s (shoulders touch DB heads)
*Rest 3 minutes between workouts.
TEAM THURSDAY February 9, 2023
**New Warm up!
2:00 easy row
2 Rounds
10 alternating Sampson stretches
5/5 single leg Romanian DL
10 glute bridges
10 Russian twists
:30-1:00 banded ankle stretch each side (mobility chart #4) for a deeper stretch kneel on the floor
:30-1:00 couch stretch each side (mobility chart #6) for a deeper stretch hold chest up
STRENGTH : Back Squat work to a 2 rep. team total (2 or 3 person) in 20 minutes
AMRAP 15:00
10 T2B/Knee raises
10 Power cleans (115/75)(95/65)(85/55)
10 Lateral bar hops
Partner 1: Row 500m
Partner 2: Works through AMRAP until 500m row is complete, switch and pick up where partner left off
*Score is Team total for rounds and reps
*If 3 partners, 2 people will shadow each other, row and AMRAP at same time
Friday February 10, 2023
**New Warm up!
2:00 easy run/bike/row
2 Rounds
8 ring rows
8 push ups
8 kettlebell swings
:30 single arm DB overhead hold right - moderate weight
:30 single arm DB overhead hold left - moderate weight
:30 scorpion stretch each side
STRENGTH : Bench Press work to 1 rep. max for the day
8 Rounds for time of:
7 KB Sumo Deadlifts
6 KB or DB Snatch, L-arm*
6 KB or DB Snatch, R-arm*
5 Box Jumps
Saturday February 11, 2023 8 - 10am
OPEN GYM (with suggestion)
2010 NW Regional Event 1
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Overhead Squats, 135/95
50 Double-unders