January 23rd - 28th, 2023
Monday January 23, 2023
WARM - UP : 2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice & "Daily Warm-Up"
MOBILITY : 1-2x Bottom of squat hold for :30 - can use rig to support, can move around into hips and ankles; :30 scorpion stretch with arm at 45 degree angle (think OHS position for shoulders)
STRENGTH : Overhead Squat 2 reps. EMOM x 10 minutes building from light to @ 65-75% of 1RM from Other CrossFit Total with quality depth. Once you hit 65-75% stay there for remainder of EMOM
For reps.
4 Rounds
3 minutes work / 1 minute rest (15 minutes)
30 Wall balls (20/14/10#)(10’/9’ target) then AMRAP double unders or single unders in remaining time.
Score is total number of double unders/single unders each round.
Tuesday January 24, 2023
WARM - UP : 2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice & "Daily Warm-Up"
MOBILITY : Roll glute - hams. Side lunge and hold. Forearm grinders
STRENGTH : Deadlift 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 work to 75-85% of your CrossFit Total Deadlift number OR if you did not complete CF Total build to a 1Rm Deadlift
For Time:
50 calorie row
50 Pull-Ups
50 Deadlifts @ 50% of your 1 RM
Wednesday “Mash-Up” January 25 , 2023
WARM - UP : 2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice & "Daily Warm-Up"
MOBILITY : 4 mobility movements. Gather up equipment
For total reps.
Amrap 9 minutes of:
6 Devil's Press (50/35/20/15)
9 Knees-to-elbows
Amrap 9 minutes of:
50/40 Cal. Air Bike
50 AbMat sit ups
Amrap 9 minutes of:
The Chief (variation)
Power Cleans, 3 reps (135/95)(125/85)(115/75)(95/65)
6 Push-ups
9 Air squats
rest 3 minutes between each round
Team Thursday January 26, 2023
WARM - UP : 2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice & "Daily Warm-Up"
MOBILITY : Banded shoulder mobility chart.
STRENGTH : Team Total of 3 rep. Strict Press
EMOM 20:00 - each person will rotate stations - working for :40 at each station for max reps (4x through). The score will be total reps for the whole class team. If there are more people than stations, two people can work at one station/alternating reps (one work at a time)
1) Torque sled push 25’ increments (equals 1 rep) - On heaviest setting, can add weight!
2) T2B or V-ups
3) Sandbag cleans - as heavy as possible
4) Strict pull ups (can use bands)
5) Rest
Friday January 27, 2023
WARM - UP : 2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice & "Daily Warm-Up"
MOBILITY : 1-2 Rounds Holding at least :30 each side: Banded Hip Stretch from Mobility Chart; Banded Ankle Stretch
STRENGTH : Back Squat 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 working up to to 75-85% of your CrossFit Total OR if you missed the CF Total work to a 1RM back squat
3 rounds for time of:
25 double DB hang snatch (35/20)(20/10)(10/5)
10 Burpees lateral double jump (over and back) dumbbells (can step or jump)
Saturday January 28, 2023 8 - 10am
OPEN GYM (with suggestion)