July 5th - July 9th, 2022

Tuesday July 5, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  side lunge and hold - Total Shoulder

STRENGTH : Power Snatch 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 use previous recorded number - or - as a teaching tool


21-15-9 reps for time of:

Left-arm kettlebell snatches
Right-arm kettlebell snatches

♀ 16-kg KB ♂ 24-kg KB

Wednesday  “Mash-Up” July 6, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  4 mobility movements. Gather up equipment

For total time:

middle of the room - 8 Rounds of:
6 Deadlifts, 185/153
7 Hand-release Push-ups
8 Air Squats

at the rack - 8 Rounds of:
5 Ring Dips
5 Push Jerks, 155/105

outside - 2 rounds of:
200m “sled” pull forward facing out and rear facing back
200m Odd Object Carry
40 KB swings

*Rest 3 minutes between workouts.

Team Thursday   July 7, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  Active Pause Scorpion & banded trap release


Shoulder press 1 rep + Push press 3 reps + Push jerk 5 reps best team total in 10 minutes (5 minute warm-up)



Friday July 8, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  side lunge and hold - banded trap

STRENGTH : Clean Pull - Clean High Pull - Power Clean 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 from previous numbers or as a teaching tool.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 16 minutes of:

12 handstand push-ups
8 bar muscle-ups
4 power cleans ♀ 135 lb ♂ 205 lb

Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
12 push-ups
8 assisted pull-ups
4 power cleans ♀ 45# ♂ 65 #

Saturday  July 9, 2022 8 - 10am

OPEN GYM – with suggestions

GREAT IDEA!!! (thank you Nathalia & Sharon) SKILL DAY!!!

For Time:

50 Double-Unders

50 BattleRope whips

5 Rope Climbs

40 Double-Unders

40 BattleRope whips

4 Rope Climbs

30 Double-Unders

30 BattleRope whips

3 Rope Climbs

20 Double-Unders

20 BattleRope alternating whips

2 Rope Climbs

10 Double-Unders

10 BattleRope alternating whips

1 Rope Climbs


July 11th - July 16th


June 27th - July 2, 2022