July25th - July 30th

Monday   July 25, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  Total Shoulder &


Strict Shoulder Press 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 end @90% of your previous best 3 rep.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes of:

400-m run
40 Med.Ball Clean over shoulder alternating
40 AbMat

Tuesday  July 26, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  Squat & drive knees out. Banded Ankle

STRENGTH : Back Squat 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2


6 rounds for time:

8 pull - ups

16 box overs

Wednesday  “Mash-Up” July 27, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  4 mobility movements. Gather up equipment

For total time:

AMRAP 10 min. :
10 Wallball Shots, 20/14
10 med. ball Russian Twists

11 Wallball Shots, 20/14
11 med. ball Russian Twists

12 Wallball Shots, 20/14
12 med. ball Russian Twists

continue adding 1 rep. each round to 10 min.

AMRAP 10 min. :
10 lap Shuttle Run “cone to cone”

20 KB swings (American) 53/35 - 35/24

AMRAP 10 min. :
30 D.B. Shoulder to Overhead

20 K.B. Sumo Deadlifts

*Rest 3 minutes between workouts.

Team Thursday   July 28, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  Active Pause Scorpion & banded trap release


Max. Wt. 2 rep. Bench Press 2 or 3 team mates


As many meters as possible in 15 minutes 2 or 3 team mates

Row 200 m. intervals per team mate. Other team mate(s) hold elbow plank

Each member will take turns rowing 200m ONLY AS LONG AS THE OTHER TEAMMATE(S) ARE HOLDING PLANK.

If “planker” drops - you must stop rowing until they are back up - Rower may hold handle.

Friday   July 29, 2022

WARM - UP  :  2 x 2 minutes mono-structural of your choice &  "Daily Warm-Up"

MOBILITY :  Roll glute - hams & banded trap release


Max. 3 rep. Deadlift


"The Chief"

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:

Power cleans, 3 reps (75%)
6 Push-ups on bar
9 Squats (bottom touches bar)

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of cycles.


Aug. 1st - Aug. 6th


July 18th - July 23th