June 10th - 15th, 2024

Monday  JUNE 10, 2024

Warm up:
2:00 easy row/bike/ski

2 Rounds
8 Cat-cow
8 Single arm DB press each arm
8 Samson stretch
8 Arch/hollow swings

STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 3 rep. single dumbbell Push Press each arm (# is what both arms can do) (May 28)


For time:
Kettlebell swings

♀ 53 lb
♂ 70 lb

Tuesday  JUNE 11, 2024

Warm up:
2:00 row/bike/run

2 Rounds
8 air squats
8 hips down push ups
8 glute bridges
8 banded pull aparts

Then: 1:00 bottom of squat hold

STRENGTH : 20 minutes to establish a 2 Rep. Back Squat (May 31)


For time:
1000 / 800 meter Row
30 burpees - jump to a 6” above reach target
1000 / 800 meter Row

WEDNESDAY “Mash-Up” JUNE 12, 2024

Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
1 Round
5 Inch worms with seal and down dog
10 PVC Pass through
10 Air squats
10 PVC Snatch grip deadlifts
10 PVC Overhead squats

5 PVC Squat snatches (review technique)
5 PVC Power cleans
5 PVC Push jerks

5 Barbell Squat snatches (review technique)
5 Barbell Power cleans
5 Barbell Push jerks
5 Barbell Front squats

Warm up to squat snatch weight, then 2-3 reps of each lift with that weight.


AMRAP (or as far as possible) 16 minutes of:

For time:
10 Squat Snatches, 135/95
400m Run
10 Power Cleans, 135/95
400m Run
10 Push Jerks, 135/95
400m Run
10 Front Squats, 135/95
400m Run

if you don’t run - 200 m power walk

Amrap 8 min of:
30 Med.Ball / sandbag etc. over shoulder cleans
30 Lateral box step-over, 20"/16’
30 AbMat sit ups

*Rest 4 minutes between workouts.


Warm up!

2 Rounds for quality
Walk on toes 50’ (down and back)
Walk on heels 50’ (down and back)
8 bootstrappers
8 banded presses
8 arch/hollows
8 push ups

Then: 1:00 each side calf stretch

SKILL : Double - Under skills & progression

10:00-15:00 Double Under Skill work! See sheets on wall
*Review of proper arm, hand position for double unders, higher, slower jump, use the wrist flick to spin the rope


Teams of 2 or 3

5x 3:00 on/1:00 off (total of 20:00)
1-2-3-4-5-6 etc.
Wall walk or Half wall walk
50 ft Shuttle Run
Bar Muscle up/Chest to bar pull up/Strict Pull up
Tire flip

*One partner works at a time. Each partner must do the same number of reps for each movement but as the reps get higher you can break them as desired.

* Continue where you left off after each 1:00 break.

Friday  JUNE 14, 2024

Warm up!

2:00 run, row, bike

2 Rounds for quality
4 Inch worms with seal and down dog
8/8 Single arm DB Strict Press light weight
8 air squats
8 hips down push ups

STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 2 rep. Dumbbell Bench Press (June 3)


For time:
50 dumbbell push presses
50 box jumps
50 dumbbell front squats
50 GHD sit-ups
50 dumbbell thrusters

♀ 35-lb dumbbells, 20-inch box
♂ 50-lb dumbbells, 24-inch box

Consider scaling this one down to 30’s or 2 rounds of 25

Saturday  JUNE 15, 2024

OPEN GYM 0800 - 1000


June 17th - 22nd, 2024


June 3rd - 8th, 2024