Sept. 25th - 30th, 2023

MONDAY SEPT. 25, 2023

Warm up!

2:00 run/bike/row
2 Rounds for quality
4/4 World’s greatest stretch
8 PVC passthroughs
8 Goblet squats
8 scap only pull ups

1:00 each side banded hip stretch

STRENGTH: 15 minutes to establish a 2 rep. Back Squat / refer to Sept. 14


21-18-15-12-9-6 reps for time of:
Dumbbell front squats

♀ 35-lb DBs ♂ 50-lb DBs

TUESDAY SEPT. 26, 2023

Warm up!

2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
8 Bootstrappers
8 Hips down push ups
8 Banded good mornings
8 Banded pull aparts
8 Bench dips

STRENGTH : Establish a 5 rep. Dumbbell Bench Press


21-15-9 reps for time of:
Squat Clean, 135/95
Ring Dips

WEDNESDAY “Mash-Up” September 27, 2023

Warm up!
2:00 Run!!
1 Round
10 air squats
10 single arm DB high pulls (each arm)
10 single arm DB strict press (each arm)
10 ring rows
5 burpees


AMRAP 8 minutes of:
100m Run
10 jump squats holding dumbbells (50/35)
5 strict pull ups

AMRAP 8 minutes of:
1 mile Air Bike
500m Row

AMRAP 8 minutes of:
5 Devil's Press (50/35)
10 V-ups or GHD sit ups

*Rest 3 minutes between workouts.


Warm up!

2 Rounds for quality
1:00 single unders/2nd round double unders
4 Sumo stance inch worms (out and back, no push up)
8 Bootstrappers
8 Arch/hollow swings
8 Kettlebell swings

TEAM STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a team 1 rep. Sumo Deadlift (Sept. 19)

In teams of 2 complete the following:
100 Double unders/200 Single unders
100 Pull ups/Ring rows
100 Wall balls
100 Russian Twists

*One partner works at a time. Partition work as desired. Can be any order/set of movements. You do not have to complete all reps before moving on to next movement, just need to complete all reps in any order.

*If a team of 3, 2 partners shadow

FRIDAY  SEPT. 29, 2023

Warm up!

2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds
8 air squats, pause in the bottom
8 PVC pass throughs
8 Sampson stretches
8 PVC overhead squats

Then 2:00 - stretching tight areas for Overhead squat!

STRENGTH : 15 minutes to develop a 3 rep. Overhead Squat with 3 second squat hold SEPT. 18


Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 overhead squat @50% of 3 Rep
10 burpee box jumps
2 overhead squats
10 burpee box jumps
3 overhead squats
10 burpee box jumps

Continue until time expires, adding 1 overhead squat each round.
Barbell comes from the floor!

SATURDAY  SEPT. 30, 2023

OPEN GYM 0800 - 1000


Oct. 2nd - 7th, 2023


SEPT. 18th - 23rd, 2023