Feb. 20th - Feb. 25th, 2023

Monday   February 20, 2023

Warm up!
2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
8 World’s greatest stretch (4 each side)
8 PVC pass throughs
8 hips down push ups
8 scap only pull ups

:30 banded shoulder/lat stretch (#2 on the mobility chart)

With empty barbell: 2x 5 Romanian Deadlifts, 5 Front squats, 5 strict press

STRENGTH : Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk 6 sets climbing for quality Compare to Feb. 6th and move up.


For time:
10 box jumps
10 pull-ups (Rx. bar muscle-ups)
20 D.B. snatches
20 one-legged squats, alternating
30 AbMat sit-ups (may use GHD for some or all)
30 medicine-ball cleans
40 burpees
40 triple-unders/double-unders/cross-over single unders/80 single unders

Tuesday   February 21, 2023

Warm up!
2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
2 Inch worms with short hold in seal pose and down dog
8 light banded press
8 light band pull aparts
8 glute bridges

STRENGTH : Strict DB Press: 1 x 5 warm up weight each arm, 3 x 5 reps each side at 70-75% of your max from two weeks ago (of 5Rm). If you had a weaker side on the 5Rm do 1 additional set of 5 reps on that side.


For 12 minutes complete as far as possible, the ladder of:
1 deadlift
2 evil wheel roll outs

2 deadlifts
3 evil wheel roll outs

3 deadlift
4 evil wheel roll outs

4 deadlift
5 evil wheel roll outs

“you get the scheme…”

Use 60% of your max deadlift

Wednesday   “Mash-Up” February 22 , 2023

Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
1 Round
10 air squats
10 RDLs with empty barbell
10 Dips on a bench or box
10 strict presses with empty barbell
20 single under jumps
10 front squats with empty barbell
:20 hold in bottom of ring dip position (can use feet as support)
10 push press with empty barbell

3 Rounds - building in weight each round and building to ring muscle up or ring dip
3 Squat cleans
3 Push jerks
1-2 ring dips or muscle up warm ups


For total reps

10 Rounds for time: (you’ll either get a time or AMRAP in 10 minute window. max.score = 150)
3 Squat Cleans, 185/135
5 Ring Dips (actual RX. is 3 Ring Muscle-ups if you “got this”)

Amrap 10 minutes of:
20/15 Calories, Air Bike
60 Single-unders
5 Push Jerks, 155/105 (barbell)

Amrap 10 minutes of:
300’ shuttle run (6 laps of up & back with a 3 point touch over the line)
15 V-ups

*Rest 3 minutes between workouts.

TEAM THURSDAY   February 23, 2023

Warm up:
2:00 bike/row/ski

2 Rounds
8 Sampson stretches
8 PVC good mornings
8 goblet squats
8 deadbugs
2-4 strict pull ups or ring rows

:30 banded ankle mobility each leg (mobility chart)
:30 couch stretch each leg (mobility chart)

TEAM STRENGTH : 3 rep. Back Squat in 15 minutes.

Teams of 2 or 3 work with one barbell and help each other change weights)

EMOM 12:00 Rotate through stations with a partner working for :45/:15 rest & transition time

Max effort reps on each station - keep track of reps/cals for each movement
1) Sled Push for weight and distance - each partner pushes 30’ at a time = 1 rep
2) Rope climbs/Rope pull to standing - alternate
3) Ski calories - no more than 10 cals at a time, alternate
4) GHD sit ups/Sit ups

Friday   February 24, 2023

Warm up!
3:00 bike/row
2 Rounds
1:00 single under jumps
3-5 Inchworms with seal and down dog
10 alternating World's greatest stretch
10 PVC passthroughs
10 Goblet squats
10 Hips down push ups
10 Scapular pull ups
10 Strict press with empty barbell
5 Arch-hollows

Warm up a thruster and plan out your attempts. Don't do more than your 2nd attempt, you'll be very warm!

2-3 Rounds
5 shuttle runs - establish your foot work
1 burpee pull up


Open 23.2!

Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
5 burpee pull-ups
10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back)
*Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round.

Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish:
1-rep-max thruster (from the floor)

Saturday  February 25, 2023 8 - 10am


"Tabata 1/2 Angie"
For time:
50 Pull-ups
50 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups
50 Air Squats

:20 sec. work / :10 seconds rest until you have completed all 50 reps. Today, you pick the order.


Feb. 27th - March 4th, 2023


Feb. 13th - Feb. 18th, 2023