Feb. 27th - March 4th, 2023

Monday   February 27, 2023

**New Warm up!

2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
4/4 World’s greatest stretch
8 PVC pass throughs
8 PVC behind the neck presses
8 air squats

1:00 bottom of the squat hold
:30 Right and Left Scorpion with arm at 45 degree angle (think position of OHS)

STRENGTH : Overhead Squat work to a 1 rep. with a 3 second hold in the squat (compare to Feb. 13th)


4 rounds for time of:
30 Med. Ball cleans over alternating shoulders
20 Squats
10 Push ups

Tuesday   February 28, 2023

Warm up!
2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
2 Inch worms with short hold in seal pose and down dog
8 light banded press
8 light band pull aparts
3-4 candlestick roll ups - use a medball if needed

STRENGTH : Strict DB Press: 1-2 x 5 warm up weight each arm, 3 x 5 reps each side at 80-85% of your max from three weeks ago (of 5Rm). If you had a weaker side on the 5Rm do 1 additional set of 5 reps on that side. 2:00 rest between sets


3 rounds for time of:
10 Inverted Burpees

20 KB swings (American)

30 back step lunges

Wednesday   “Mash-Up” March 1 , 2023

Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski

1 Round
10 air squats
10 PVC Passthroughs
10 Hips down push ups
10 PVC Overhead squats
20 single under jumps or 20 double unders
10 Sumo deadlift high pull with a KB
10 Box or bench dips - or if doing Muscle ups 10 ring dips
10 Barbell overhead squats

Warm up to overhead squat for Part 2.
Adjust weight and warm up Sumo Deadlift High Pull


For Total Reps.:

AMRAP 9 minutes: 
5 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
10 Burpees

AMRAP 9 minutes:
10 Overhead Squats, 135/95
40 Double-unders

Amrap 9 minutes of:
3 muscle-ups (sub. 6 ring dips)
13 wall-ball shots
23 box jumps (sub. box steps)

*Rest 4 minutes between work

TEAM THURSDAY   March 2, 2023

Warm up:
2:00 easy row

1:00-2:00 Foam roll hamstrings/low back

2 Rounds
8 banded good mornings
8 scapular pull ups
4/4 single leg RDL with kettlebell
8 bootstrappers

1 x :30-1:00 banded trap stretch

TEAM STRENGTH : Team Deadlift work to a 5 rep. team total in 15 minutes work the same barbell and work together to change weights.


Team 5k row!
Every 3:00 5 synchro burpees
*Synchro is all partners on the floor chest and thighs. Jump does not need to be together but cannot start next rep until everyone is back down.

Split up row as desired. Team of 3, one partner shadows.

Friday   March 3, 2023

Warm up!
Warm up

3:00 bike/row ski

 1 Round
5 Inch worms with hold in down dog – shoulders!
10 slow air squats
10 PVC passthroughs
10 hollow rocks

 Burgener warm up with PVC

Warm up snatch weights

Skill Work: 10:00 Work on building a wall walk!

Before the work:

1 Round
:30-1:00 double unders or single unders
2-3 Half wall walks/Plank shoulder taps
5 Power snatches first weight

 2 Rounds
:30-1:00 double unders or single unders
2 Wall walks hold :02 at wall – practice standard/6 plank shoulder taps
3-5 Power snatches second weight


Open 23.3!

Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:

5 wall walks
50 double-unders
15 snatches (weight 1)

5 wall walks
50 double-unders
12 snatches (weight 2)

*If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:

20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
9 snatches (weight 3)

*If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:

20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
6 snatches (weight 4)

♀ 65 lb, 95 lb, 125 lb, 155 lb

♂ 95 lb, 135 lb, 185 lb, 225 lb

Saturday  March 4, 2023 8 - 10am



March 6th - March 11th, 2023


Feb. 20th - Feb. 25th, 2023