JULY 15th - 20th, 2024

MONDAY  JULY 15, 2024

Warm up!

2:00 Row/run/ski/bike

2 Rounds for quality
:30 single under jumps/double unders
8 bootsrappers
8 single arm DB high pulls each side
8 alternating box step ups
8 single arm DB strict press each side

STRENGTH : 15 minutes to develop a 3 rep. Touch & Go Dumbbell Snatch per arm. Both ends of DB must touch the ground.

Does not have to be squat snatch but catch in a “dropped” position (not straight leg) (July 1)


3 rounds for time:
400-meter Run
40 Double-Unders
40 GHD/AbMat sit-ups

TUESDAY   JULY 16, 2024

Warm up:
2:00 bike/row/ski/run

2 Rounds
8 Ostrich walk steps
8 Banded pass throughs
8 Banded good mornings
8 Box dips
8 Samson stretches
8 Scap only pull ups

1:00 kneeling wrist/grip stretch

STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 1 rep. Double Dumbbell Deadlift. (July 2)

If you max. out our 2 x 100#ers…one chance to do as many as possible you may pause at the top - no letting go.


As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
8 pull ups
8 ring dips
4/4 Bulgarian Split Squats with goblet KB hold

WEDNESDAY “Mash-Up” JULY 17, 2024

Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
1 Round
200m jog! Or 1:00 additional minute on machine of choice
5 Inch worms with seal and down dog
10 Light Russian Kettlebell swings
10 Push ups or hips down push ups
10 Ball or bag deadlifts - medium weight
10 Ball or bad cleans over the shoulder - medium weight


AMRAP 6 minutes of:
12 Russian Kettlebell Swing, 70/53
”Up the Hill” Ball or Bag carry

AMRAP 6 minutes of:
20 DB Floor Bench Press (50/35 35/20)
20/15 Calories, Rower

AMRAP 6 minutes of:
800m Run
as many alternating over the shoulder bag/ball cleans in remaining time

Rest 3 minutes between


Warm up!

2:00 run/bike/row/ski
2 Rounds for quality
4/4 World’s greatest stretch
8 PVC pass throughs
8 air squats
8 PVC behind the neck presses/8 light barbell second round
8 PVC snatch grip RDLs/8 light barbell second round

SKILL : 3- Position Power Snatch!
Skill work to improve the snatch pull!
Keep the weight light today and focus on improving your positions as the bar moves across the 3-positions.
Focus on perfect positions and foot work.

Every 1:30 Perform 1 rep of all 3-positions x 6 rounds (9:00)
Can increase the weight from last week as long as form stays perfect!


16:00 AMRAP
Partner 1: 20/15 Calorie bike
Partner 2: Works through AMRAP, pick up where partner leaves off

8 Alternating DB snatches 50/35 35/20
8 Lateral Burpee over DBs
8 V-ups

FRIDAY JULY 19, 2024

Warm up:
2:00 easy row/bike/ski

2 Rounds
8 Bootstrappers
8 Barbell Romanian deadlifts
8 Arch/hollow swings
8 Barbell Push presses

Then: 1:00 calf stretch each side

STRENGTH : 4 rep. Power Clean and Jerk for speed / efficiency / form. (Met.Con style - week 3 - July 5) “better-faster”

(repeating the 4 rep. from July 5th’s Open Gym Suggestion)


For time:
25 pull-ups
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
15 thrusters
400-meter run
25 pull-ups

♀ 45 lb
♂ 65 lb


OPEN GYM 0800 - 1000


JULY 22nd - 27th, 2024


JULY 8th - 13th, 2024