JULY 22nd - 27th, 2024

MONDAY JULY 22, 2024

Warm up:
2:00 easy row/bike/ski

2 Rounds
8 Cat-cows
8 PVC pass throughs
8 Single arm DB press each arm
8 PVC good mornings
8 hollow rocks

STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 5 rep. single dumbbell Push Jerk each arm (# is what both arms can do)


CrossFit Service Cup, Workout 2 (with a twist)


For time:
75 power snatches - work on good form and keep the barbell close to the body!

♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb

everytime you break…30 AbMat sit-ups

TUESDAY  JULY 23, 2024

Warm up:
2:00 row/bike/run

2 Rounds
8 air squats/8 goblet squats
8 PVC passthroughs
8 glute bridges
8 arch/hollow swings

Then: :30 PVC Front rack stretch each side

STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 4 Rep. Front Squat (July 9)


3 rounds for time:
400-meter farmers carry
30 Toes2Bar (Scale Toes 2 KB or mix)

♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbells

WEDNESDAY “Mash-Up” JULY 24, 2024

Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
1 Round
1:00 single unders
10 bootstrappers
10 light single arm KB push press each side
10 hips down push ups
10 light kettlebell snatches each side
10 scap pull ups


AMRAP 8 minutes:
15 Kettlebell Snatch, R-arm, 53/35
15 Kettlebell Snatch, L-arm, 53/35
15 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

AMRAP 8 minutes:
400m Run
15 Goblet Squats
400m Run
12 Goblet Squats
400m Run
9 Goblet Squats

AMRAP 8 minutes:
50 Single-unders
25 Burpees

Rest 3:00 between workouts


2:00 run/bike/row/ski
2 Rounds for quality
4/4 World’s greatest stretch
8 PVC pass throughs
8 air squats
8 PVC behind the neck presses/8 light barbell second round
8 PVC snatch grip RDLs/8 light barbell second round

SKILL : 3- Position Power Snatch!
Skill work to improve the snatch pull!
Keep the weight light today and focus on improving your positions as the bar moves across the 3-positions.
Focus on perfect positions and foot work.

Every 1:30 Perform 1 rep of all 3-positions x 6 rounds (9:00)
Can increase the weight from last week as long as form stays perfect!


Northern Nevada Throwdown Workout 1!

Teams of 2

For time:
2 Rounds
Partner 1: 100m sled or tire drag (50 out-50 back) into a 200m run
Partner 2: 100m sled or tire drag (50 out-50 back) into a 200m run
Both Partners run 400m

Teams of 3, 2 partners shadow

FRIDAY  JULY 26, 2024

Warm up!

2:00 run, row, bike

2 Rounds for quality
4 Inch worms with seal and down dog
8 Samson stretches
8 air squats
8 hips down push ups
8 deadbugs

STRENGTH : 20 minutes to establish a 4 rep. Bench Press to use in a 5 week series. (July 12)


CrossFit Service Cup, Workout 3

Kelly Brown

4 rounds for time:
440-meter row
10 box jumps
10 deadlifts
10 wall-ball shots

20-inch box, 95-lb barbell, and 10-lb med ball
24-inch box, 135-lb barbell, and 14-lb med ball

Time cap: 20 minutes


OPEN GYM 0800 - 1000


JULY 29th - AUGUST 3rd, 2024


JULY 15th - 20th, 2024